
The House System

Senior School

Each of the six Houses in the Senior School are divided vertically into six Mentor Groups, each with approximately fifteen students from Years 7 to 12.

The purpose of the Mentor Groups is to establish a safe, nurturing and inclusive environment for all students and to build connections across the year groups. Mentor Groups meet daily, with the House coming together at a fortnightly assembly.

The Roles of The Mentor and Heads of Houses

The role of the Mentor is to know, care and be an advocate for each student in the Mentor Group. The Mentor is the central point of contact at school for parents. The Mentor will liaise with other staff, as needed, including the College Psychologist and the Heads of House.

The Head of House has overall pastoral responsibility for each student in their House and will deal with the more complex or serious matters. They work closely with the Director of Students.

Each Senior School House is named after famous Australian pioneers in their field: Dobell-Culture, Durack-Sport, Florey-Research, Mawson-Exploration, Monash-Public Service and Oodgeroo-Literature.

Sir William Dobell – (1899 – 1970) was an artist whose works were representative of new styles and directions in Australian art.  Dobell is known mainly as a portrait painter although he did paint landscapes.  Dobell’s unique style embodies the pioneering attributes of originality and a sense of adventure, of exploring new techniques and pushing innovative and creative boundaries.

Sarah Durack – (1899 – 1956) had to fight for her right to represent  Australia in swimming at the 1912 Stockholm Olympic Games where she became the first Australian woman to win a swimming gold medal at an Olympics.  Later she broke twelve world records and at one time held every women’s record in swimming from 50 yards to one mile.  A person of great determination, Sarah Durack pursued her goals but never lost sight of fairness and justice.

Lord Howard Florey – 1898 – 1968) was a scientist and a co-discoverer of penicillin.  Born in Adelaide, Florey became a Professor of pathology at Oxford University where he made his discoveries.  Florey shared the 1945 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine.  Florey was never interested in fame.  He simply sought to help people and the knowledge to do this.

Sir Douglas Mawson – (1898 – 1958), was an Australian Antarctic explorer, geologist and academic.  First involved with Shackleton and Scott, Mawson later led three expeditions to Antarctica gathering valuable scientific data and mapping 1,500kms of coastline.  He was an explorer of courage, fortitude, endurance and resolve.

Sir John Monash – (1865 – 1931), engineer and soldier, was probably Australia’s greatest military leader, serving successfully in Gallipoli and on the Western Front during the First World War.  Monash was knighted on the field of battle, a distinction that had not been given to a British soldier for nearly 200 years.  Loved by his troops, Monash always put the good of others ahead of his own.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal – (1920 – 1993), formerly known as Kath Walker, was an Aboriginal poet and civil rights leader.  Born a member of the Noonuccal tribe on North Stradbroke Island (Moreton Bay), she educated herself and later began to write poetry, and lecture on Aboriginal issues at Australian universities and at international conferences.  Oodgeroo Noonuccal was a campaigner against all forms of injustice and a believer in reconciliation.

Junior School

Junior School students are allocated to one of three Houses. Each house is divided vertically and students participate in carnivals and school activities within their House. Pastoral Care of students is the responsibility of the class teacher, supported by all staff, our College psychologist and Head of Junior School.

The Houses are named after famous Australian pioneers in different fields.

Chisholm (1808-1877) – Caroline Chisholm was known as ‘the emigrant’s friend’. She earned this title for her work with poor migrants to Australia last century. She graced the $5 note for more than 20 years and is remembered as a social activist and philanthropist.

Flynn (1880-1951) – Rev. John Flynn was the Presbyterian minister to the outback. He founded the Royal Flying Doctor Service, School of the Air and many other services to outback people. He wanted to create a ‘mantle of safety’ over the inland. His face is on the $20 note.

Walton (1915-2009) – Nancy Bird-Walton was a pioneering woman aviatrix who was the youngest woman to hold a commercial pilot’s licence at 19. She worked for the Royal Flying Doctor Service becoming known as the angel of the Outback.